Tuesday, March 20, 2012

all about "kanser"

(1) Kanser pangkal rahim - sebarang lelehan atau pendarahan yg luarbiasa, > sakit selepas bersenggama dan turun berat badan. > > 

(2) Kanser payudara - bengkak atau gumpalan di buah dada, keluar cairan > berdarah dari puting, pembesaran kelenjar diketiak, kedutan pada kulit di > buah dada. > >

(3) Kanser usus besar - perubahan tabiat membuang air,hilang berat badan, > sakit dalam perut dan usus, berlaku pendarahan semasa membuang air. > > 

4) Kanser paru-paru - batuk kuat berterusan, batuk berdarah, nafas > termengah-mengah,sakit dada dan hilang berat badan. > > 

5) Kanser perut - hilang berat badan, muntah berdarah, sistem pencernaan > yg tidak teratur,cepat kenyang walaupun makan sedikit. > > 

6) Kanser limpa - sakit di bahagian abdomen, hilang selera makan,turun > berat badan,kulit dan mata menjadi kuning dan bahagian abdomen membengkak. > > 

7) Kanser ovari - haid tidak teratur, tumbuhan keras di bahagian abdomen, > sakit semasa bersenggama, ketumbuhan bulu rambut yg melampau, suara > menjadi lebih mendalam. > > 

8) Kanser otak - sakit kepala,muntah-muntah, gangguan penglihatan, lemah > atau lumpuh, pening/pitam, pelupa, perubahan personaliti. > > 

9) Kanser prostat - sukar dan sakit semasa kencing yang berpanjangan. > > 

(10) Kanser darah (leukimia) -letih,pucat, mudah lebam dan mudah mendapat > jangkitan (infection). > > (11) Kanser tekak - suara garau/serak, ada ketumbuhan di tekak,sukar > menelan dan kelenjar membengkak di leher. > >

Monday, January 16, 2012

im not feeling well

I woke up this morning and I felt awful. My whole body aches and I feel my temperature is rising. I lost my appetite. I feel so weak, even an old lady could walk faster than me. I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hit the bed and have a sound sleep. Hopefully by the end the day, the pain will almost be totally gone and I could eat anything and do anything and I'll be able to walk faster than an old lady. i feel so down down down...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

it means

"i love you"
means that i accept you for the person that you are,
and that i do not wish to change you into some1 else.
it means that i will love you and 
stand by you even through the worst of times.
it means loving you when you're in a bad mood or
too tired to do thing i want to do.
it means loving you when you're down,
not just when you're fun to be with.
i love you means i know your deepest secrets and
do not judge you for them,
asking in return only that you do not judge me for mine.
it means that i care enough to fight for what we have and
that i love you enough not to let go.
it means that i'll be ok when you with some1 else
loving you means standing by you
even one day, we should saying
for each other and i will always love you with all 
my heart
.-ain syarmilaa.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


missing some1 isn't about how long it
has been since
you've seen them or the amount of time
since you're talked
its about that very moment when 
you're doing something
and wishing
they were right there with you

missing you

Thursday, November 17, 2011


10 thing i  LOVE about you
- i love how i smile at your cute text message
- i love how you are always there for me
- i love that you always need and rely on me
- i love that you always smell good :)
- i love when you are in a good mood!
- i love the face when you laugh
- i love the way you look at me
- i love your lips
- i love your smile that makes me melts
- i love when you do unexpectable things
- i love you just the way you are